Retail's Night Out! / Retail Relations
Beth Vidmar / RNO! Director
Gia Amendola / Bridal Boutiques
Rylee Armold / Chocolate Companies

Brittany Cleveland / Interior Designers
Zoe Dolch / Architects and Menswear
Brooke Figler / Spas & Salons
Camryn Fish / Fur Boutiques, Doctors & Wellness
Shannon Green / Accessories
Izzi Pollack / Fashion Boutiques

Night at the Museum
Christine Slomberg / Elegantz Eventz
Brittany Cleveland
Zoe Dolch
Hellen Teclee

Fashion on Film

Christine Slomberg / Elegantz Eventz


Internet Marketing
Lynne Wilson / Social Media Director
Linda Ellerby / T​witter Coordinator
Gia Amendola / Instagram Coordinator


HUE Photography / Photographer
Billy Delfs / Photographer

​Casey Rearick / Photographer

Meredith Petrick / Photographer


Noelle Richard

Ted Sikora / Ted Sikora Films

Fashion Week Cleveland is known nationally as "the education fashion week", and educational programs on fashion design and retail, are an important component of fashion week in Cleveland.

Craig James
Public  Relations Director
Experience​ / 18 years


Christine Slomberg / Event Planner - Elegantz Eventz

Jennifer Zinkan / Event Planner - Elegantz Eventz

Craig James / PR Director - Cat-Strat
Amy Jenyk / Outdoor Advertising - Omni Media

Lynne Wilson / Digital Director - Mix Strategy
Beth Hammonds / Artistic Director - My Style Mojo
Courtney Green / Designer Relations Director

Danielle Barnett / House Director
April Marie Luca / Hair Director - Salon Bella Luca
Dresden Buras / MUA Director
Donald Shingler / Strategic Relations Director​


Public Relations
Craig James, PR Director
Karly Van Boxel - PR Coordinator

Alex Russo / PR Firms & Marketing Agencies
Joanna Lagrasso / Museums & Cultural Institutions
Christopher Douglas / Government Relations
Tori Williams / Civic Organizations
Hellen Tecle / Hospitality; Hotels
Desha Saunders / Hospitality; Restaurants

Sponsorship Relations
Amy Jenyk / Sponsorship Relations Director

JoAnna LoGrassso / Sponsorship Relations Coordinator

Izzi Pollack / Sponsorship Relations Coordinator

Camryn Fish / Sponsorship Relations Coordinator

​Brooke Figler / Sponsorship Relations Coordinator


Beth Hammonds / Artistic Director  - My Style Mojo
Enya Hennings / Designer Coordinator

Tracy Webb / Model Coordinator - Shaker Dance

​Christina Cavotta / Model Coordinator - Tre Sorelle

Beth Hammonds
Artistic Dire​ctor
Experience​ / 14 years

2002 - 2017

When fashion-minded dentist Donald Shingler sowed the seeds of Cleveland Fashion Week, 15 years ago, he just wanted to bring a high-quality fashion show to downtown Cleveland, bring some folks downtown and put a spotlight on retail development.  The one-day event expanded into a week's worth of events including films, speakers, workshops, museum exhibits, parties, and fashion shows, making one of the country's destination regional fashion events.

​The Community Development Clinic, at Case Western Reserve University, are helping local fashion industry entrepreneur Donald Shingler with his plans to develop the 501c(3) non-profit Cleveland Retail Commission; to further the development of fashion retail and design in the city of Cleveland.​​

Cleveland Fashion Week © 2004 - 2025 | Fashion Week Cleveland © 2004 - 2025
​The Cleveland Fashion Show © 2004 - 2025 | 
All Rights Reserved

Donald C. Shingler
Strategic Relations Director
Experience​ / 16 years

Our team of volunteers are working to exceed the expectations of our sponsors, designers, models, and partners.  Much of our team consists of college interns ​studying art, fashion design, fashion merchandising, marketing, business, and communications.

​Top designers from across the United States show their lines at our runway shows and they sell their lines at our retail events throughout the week..

April Marie Luca
Hair Styling Dire​ctor
Experience​ / 12 years

Lifestyle, event marketing... this is what we do.  We are looking for style leaders who understand the benefits of fashion and style branding.  FWC 2015...  get into it.

Design + Education + Retail

Fashion Week Cleveland (FWC) exists to inform consumers and industry leaders about the cultural importance and economic importance of fashion design, manufacturing, marketing and merchandising.

Dresden Bura
MUA Dire​ctor
Experience​ / more years than you can imagine

Makeup Artists
​Dresden Buras / Makeup Director
Michael Beesley / Lead Artist - Guerlain Artist

Elise Brunett - Freelance Artist
Toni Clark - Estee Lauder Artist

Ramona Dauksa - Freelance Artist

Tequid Farrish - Makeup2Makeup

Diamond Haynes - Lash Specialist
​Angel Krsacok - Freelance Artist

Anna Lee - Set MUA
Leena Mehta - Freelance Artist

Heather Pannetti - Dior Artist

​Samantha Riffle - Freelance

Chloe Scoular - Freelance Artist
Melinda Sopenski - Freelance Artist

Mariella Vitalone - Set MUA

A special thank you to:

Dior, Estee' Lauder, Guerlain,

and BOOM! By Cindy Joseph

Hair Stylists
April Marie Luca - Hair Styling Director

Reagan Cutner

Lisa Cuva

Jamie Didinotto

Francesca Gramiere

Savanah Grum

Kaitlin Mayock

Angela Parmertor

Maureen Richards

Debbie Rini

Vicky Sabetta

Annie Westfall